Lackland Dramatist’s Society Presents
The Second Annual Writer’s Nest Awards – Winter 2022
Exact dates TBA
A young writers’ original dramatics works contest of
Monologues / Scenes / One-Act Plays
For ages 9-25
Lackland Dramatists Society exists to inspire, mentor, and showcase young authors in the greater Nashville area. The Writers Nest Awards is a contest meant to give young authors a place to have their works evaluated and, if selected as a winner, publicly performed. Judges will be selected from around the country and will provide objective feedback and scoring (as all authors will be kept anonymous). Winning pieces will be selected from several age categories (see below) and performed at a dramatic staged reading in early 2023. Please read through all of the requirements below to ensure that your submission receives consideration! Email us with any questions. Best of luck to each of you – break a pencil!
1. Length:
Monologues should be 2-5 minutes.
Scenes should be 5-15 minutes.
One-acts should be 10-30 minutes.
2. Number of entries:
Each author may submit in any category, with a total of 3 pieces per author.
3. Completion:
We cannot accept partial or unfinished drafts. Pieces may still be in development, but they must be audience-ready at time of submission.
4. Genre:
We are accepting all non-musical genres/styles.
5. Technical Limitations:
Number of characters in each scene should be no more than 8 people (or with more characters, if doubling is possible).
Set/prop requirements must be non-existent or minimal.
6. Format:
PDF file, with numbered pages. Professional formatting is strongly encouraged. For formatting suggestions, please visit:
7. Anonymity:
Author’s name must not appear on any pages of the actual script, so that it may be evaluated objectively.
8. Originality:
All submissions must be completely original. It is acceptable if they have been submitted, been performed, or previous won other contests.
9. Location:
Authors must be in the greater Nashville area (within drivable range of Nashville).
10. Submission Fee:
$20 per author or $30 per author (if you will submit multiple pieces). This can be sent via PayPal or Venmo. You will receive a bill when we receive your submission. Scholarships are available.
11. Location:
Please send a PDF version of your piece, with numbered pages, to lacklandtheatre (at) gmail (dot) com with email heading : “WRITER’S NEST SUBMISSION”. Script should have a cover page that includes the name of the piece, the AGE grouping of the author, but NOT the name of the author! Please also attach a separate document that includes the title of the piece, a short synopsis of the piece, a short description of each character, the author’s name, a brief bio of the author, and any other pertinent information. Also complete this online originality agreement to complete your submission. We will notify you receipt of your submission as soon as we have received everything.
12. Due Date:
Submission date TBA.
13. Selection:
The selection process begins with an evaluation by our team of readers, who will independently score each piece according to their assessment of plot, character, dialogue, language, theatricality, and their own emotional response. Semi-finalists will be discussed by the team and winners will be selected from each of the following age groupings:
Finch Award : Ages 9-12
Sparrow Award : Ages 13-16
Bluebird Award: Ages 17-20
Cardinal Award : Ages 21-25
Winners will be announced in early 2023 on our website and by personal email.
14. Winners:
Winners: Winning authors will be expected to provide a brief (150 word) biography, a high-resolution photo of themselves, and a brief synopsis of the piece, which will be used in marketing and promotion. By submitting your piece, you are giving Lackland Theatre Co. permission to use this information on social media, print, and website advertising.
15. Public Reading:
The winning pieces will be minimally staged and rehearsed for a dramatic staged reading in early 2023 and performed in East Nashville.